Scientific Publications About Photovoltaics / General Information
Selection of scientific publications in the field of photovoltaics, which address topics like modules, defects of modules and monitoring:
- - McKinsey: Rethinking the renewable strategy for an age of global competition, 2019
- - PV Tech / The Bankability project: Financial Modelling of PV Risks, 2016
- - PV Tech: Technical Failures in PV projects, 2016
- - Fraunhofer CSP: Multicristalline PERC solar cells: Is light-induced degradation challenging the efficiency gain of rear passivation?, 2016
- - ZAE Bayern: Statistical overview of findings by IR-inspections of PV-plants, 2016
- - ZAE Bayern: Defect Analysis of installed PV-Modules - IR-Thermography and In-String Power Measurement, 2015
- - International Energy Agency reports: Task 13, 2015
- IEA - Analysis of Long-Term Performance of PV Systems
- IEA - Review of Failures of Photovoltaic Modules
- IEA - Analytical Monitoring of Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems
- - Mannheimer Versicherung: Quality in PV roof systems, 2015
- - Häberlein, H./Scharf, P .: Long-term behavior of PV plants over more than 15 years, 2010