Are all modules on my roof working as they should?
Do I have
any issue and if so, what is it?
Is there maybe any safety issue on my roof?
Can I claim warranty?
SunSniffer understands the questions and needs a home owner has with a PV plant on his house. We give you all performance and issue information, in remote, instantly, easy to understand.
We can even tell you if
your plant has been installed correctly, or if there are any power reducing or
safety issues right from the start – without SunSniffer, this is impossible to
know, unless you invest in a decent inspection by experts.

SunSniffer shows you the real Watt peak value of each module. Any power reducing issues are detected instantly. We tell you what the problem is, how to solve it, and how much it costs – compared to the costs if you leave everything as it is.
We can give you most detailed information about each single module and the whole plant – or only the key figures and alerts, if you are not too interested in technical matters.
Monitoring is needed anyway;
why stop at the inverter? SunSniffer doesn’t even cost more than any other
solution, offering much more.